Thursday, January 4, 2007

God is Great and greatly to be Praised !!!!!!

God is truly great , Jesus is my comfortor, my deliverer, my rock of salvation, my hiding place in times of trouble, my strength in whom I will trust , my counsellor , my provider, Jehovah Jirah, The lion of Judah.

Your love is amazing my Lord !!! What is man that you care for him , you love him because you are the only true and living God and in your infinite love and grace you care for him , You love me and You call me by name O Lord , You have known me even when I was in my mother's womb , You sent Your Son , Jesus to suffer immensly and die on the cross for me so that I have a chance for salvation and forgiveness of sins. Lord, I worship You and Prasie You with all my heart and soul.

It is my desire to honor You,.. Lord with all my heart I worship You,.. with all I have within me , I give you prasie,.. Lord all that I adore, is in you,.. Lord I give you my heart, give you my soul,.. I live for you alone,.. every breath that I take ,.. every moment Im awake,.. Lord have your way in me.


Geets said...

Hey Kottayam Achayan,
Nice post.
I have recently published a novel on Syrian Christians. For details, check out my blog..

Achayan's Lokam said...

Congtatulations on the novel, Im going to try and get it.